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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes June 19, 2007
Description Gallatin County Commissioners Journal No. June 19, 2007
Date 06/19/2007 Location County Commission
Time Speaker Note
9:00:19 AM Chairman Skinner Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners Skinner, Murdock, and White, Deputy County Attorney Kate Dinwiddie and Acting Clerk to the Board Veniece Lindemulder.
9:01:07 AM Chairman Skinner There was no public comment on any matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
9:01:25 AM Acting Clerk to the Board Veniece Lindemulder Read the consent agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from June 5, 2007 3. Approval of Transfer of Budget Authority in the Amount of $800 to Purchase a New Copier for the Superintendent of Schools 4. Approval of Transfer of Budget Authority in the Amount of $180,948 for the New Road & Bridge Complex 5. Decision on a Mortgage Survey Exemption from Subdivision Review for Carter 6. Decision on a Mortgage Survey Exemption from Subdivision Review for Prouse 7. Decision on a Request for Final Plate Approval for the Van Dyken Minor Subdivision 8. Approval of Contract: Contract with Community Counseling and Correctional Services for Continued Placement of Juvenile Offenders at the RYO Facility, Increasing the Daily Rate to $220 for FY 2008; Agreement with the City of Belgrade and the Gallatin Airport Authority for the Planning and Construction of the East Belgrade I-90 Interchange.
9:02:59 AM   There was no public comment.
9:03:07 AM Commissioner Murdock Comments, requests consent agenda #4 be pulled for further discussion at a later date, comments, that's a motion.
9:03:54 AM Commissioner White Second
9:04:37 AM Grants Administrator Larry Watson Comments
9:05:28 AM   Board Discussion
9:05:36 AM Commissioner Murdock If I override that first motion and replace it with a substitute motion that would place it on tomorrow's agenda. Continue it until tomorrow's first matter on the regular agenda and that way we don't have to readvertise. Comments, ok, that's a motion.
9:05:55 AM Commissioner White Second
9:06:04 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:06:11 AM Commissioner White I would make a motion to accept the consent agenda that was read into record excluding agenda item #4 which has been moved to tomorrow's regular agenda.
9:06:25 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:06:30 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:06:54 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the Gray Hawk Ranch Estates Minor Subdivision
9:07:13 AM County Planner Warren Vaughan Staff report, submitted language to replace condition #7 labeled Exhibit A., Item #1. Suggests striking 8.d. as this is a repeat and is in the covenants.
9:12:51 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Warren Vaughan and Deputy County Attorney Kate Dinwiddie.
9:14:10 AM William H. Anderson, Anderson Engineering Presentation on behalf of applicants Laurie and David Bennett, submitted Gray Hawk Ranch Estates highlights labeled Exhibit B, Item #1.
9:21:09 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:25:28 AM Laurie Bennett Applicant presentation
9:30:50 AM  Discussion between the Commission, William H. Anderson and Warren Vaughan
9:32:27 AM Public Comment Bruce Visser; Jeff Todd, submitted written testimony labeled Exhibit C, Item #1; Steve Davis, submitted written testimony labeled Exhibit D, Item #1.
9:32:41 AM     
9:53:38 AM Road & Bridge Engineer George Durkin Comments
9:56:04 AM Chairman Skinner Closed public comment.
9:56:16 AM Laurie Bennett Rebuttal
10:00:17 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Warren Vaughan and Laurie Bennett.
10:03:29 AM   Board Discussion
10:14:29 AM Commissioner Murdock I move that we deny this subdivision.
10:14:33 AM Commissioner White Second
10:14:43 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:15:07 AM   Recess
10:22:37 AM Chairman Skinner Reconvene to meeting. Public Hearing and Decision on Preliminary Plat a Approval for the Four Corners Professional Park
10:22:50 AM County Planner Warren Vaughan Staff report
10:26:07 AM Ryan Rittal, Engineering Inc Presentation on behalf of applicant Skyline Industries
10:26:17 AM   Discussion and Questions
10:26:26 AM   There was no public comment.
10:26:42 AM   Board Discussion
10:26:55 AM Commissioner Murdock I move to approve this with the conditions as presented by staff.
10:27:00 AM Commissioner White Second
10:27:05 AM   Board Discussion/Findings
10:28:24 AM   Motion carried unanimously.
10:28:36 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the Dykstra 2-Lot Minor Subdivision, Including a Request for Variance from Road Standards (Section 7.J.3) from the Gallatin County Subdivision Regulations and a Request to Lift the Current Agricultural Exemption
10:28:56 AM Belgrade City-County Planner Heidi Jensen Staff report
10:33:52 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Heidi Jensen and Deputy County Attorney Kate Dinwiddie
10:35:21 AM Mark Fasting, Allied Engineering Presentation on behalf of applicants Gary and Hermina Dykstra and submitted written handout titled "Requested Revision Staff Conditions" labeled Exhibit A, Item #3. Condition #20 on handout should be Condition #21.
10:46:33 AM   Discussion and Questions
10:46:56 AM Gary Dykstra Comments
10:47:54 AM   There was no public comment.
10:48:08 AM Road & Bridge Engineer, George Durkin Comments
10:48:48 AM   Board Discussion including Mark Fasting  
10:52:59 AM Commissioner Murdock I'll make a motion but I'd like to ask Kate first, the sequence again, you think we need to move to lift the ag exemption? (Kate Dinwiddie acknowledges.) Ok, so moved.
10:53:08 AM Commissioner White Second
10:53:12 AM   Motion passed unanimously
10:53:16 AM Commissioner Murdock Move to approve the variance as suggested, or as proposed, comments, 18'gravel surface with 60' easement.
10:53:46 AM   Board Discussion/Findings including Heidi Jensen
10:54:00 AM Mark Fasting, Allied Engineering Comments, the intent is for the variance to say an 18' gravel surface with a 60'-wide public easement, because it would be an easement, and the first 100' would be paved as per county standard requirements from the intersection.
10:54:23 AM Commissioner Murdock Ok, that's the motion then.
10:54:27 AM Chairman Skinner You move what he said?
10:54:29 AM Commissioner Murdock Yes
10:54:30 AM Commissioner White Second
10:54:34 AM   Board Discussion/Findings
10:56:12 AM   Motion passed unanimously
10:56:17 AM Commissioner Murdock Comments, I would move that we remove condition, comments, #19.j.
10:56:40 AM   Comments
10:56:43 AM Commissioner Murdock No, I'm not. Never mind. I want it to stay. So I move that j. remain.
10:56:54 AM Chairman Skinner Second
10:56:57 AM   Board Discussion
10:57:45 AM Chairman Skinner I won't support the motion.
10:57:46 AM Commissioner Murdock Can I withdraw it?
10:57:49 AM Chairman Skinner I'll withdraw my second if you withdraw your motion.
10:57:52 AM Commissioner Murdock I withdraw my motion, comments.
10:57:57 AM Commissioner White I would make a motion to remove j. from, 19.j. from the conditions.
10:58:07 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
10:58:11 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:58:19 AM Commissioner Murdock Move to approve it with the conditions as amended.
10:58:22 AM Commissioner White Second
10:58:30 AM   Board Discussion/Findings
10:58:49 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:58:55 AM   There were no Pending Resolutions.
10:59:00 AM   Meeting Adjourned.